page contents



A Note to Students and Parents:


Students and Parents,


    On this page, you will find important classroom rules/procedures, a supply list, and other relevant information for the 2021-2022 school year.  I have planned some exciting activities for my English courses and Speech classes.  With that being said, I am looking forward to a very successful year at Springfield High School!  All of my students are equally important, and I am looking forward to building lasting relationships!  Here's to a great year! Go bulldogs!





                                                                                                                 Mrs. Spring

Teacher's Schedule:

1st hour:  Planning 

2nd hour: Planning

3rd hour: English I

4th hour: English I

5th hour: English I

6th hour: English I

7th hour: Speech

8th hour: English I


Classroom Rules:

1.  Raise your hand before speaking.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Follow directions given by your teacher.

4. Attend to personal needs prior to class.

5. Complete your own work; cheating is not allowed.


Homework/Missed Work:

See Google Classroom