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Christian Cecchini Spanish I and Health Teacher  [email protected]






Spanish I

Hola estudiantes,

I am very proud of you for working so hard online during this nine weeks. Thanks for showing that you care for the Spanish class and I wish that you have an amazing freshman year at the highschool.

However, we have one more assignment to compete the year. Please go into your course and click on the icon that reads FINAL ACTIVITY. Rememeber that this is not for a grade. This work is to show me that you learned a lot of Spanish in our Spanish class.


If you experience any kind of technical difficulties please email me at [email protected]

To enter the course click on the link below.

Have fun! 

Spanish students, I will schedule a ZOOM meeting VIA your email.  






I am also very proud of my health students, I am also commending you for trying your best during this hard times.


You also have one last activity, to get to it click on the icon in the left side of the screen that says Health Final.  


Health Students we have ZOOM meetings on Tuesdays at 9:30. I will send you an email with the link.